Need Audiobook reviews? Go here!

Following the production of my audiobook, the next step was getting reviews! All indie authors struggle with getting reviews at first and people won’t buy your book until there are a substantial number of reviews. So, how do you go about getting reviews for your audiobook?

Thanks to Susan from Dab of Darkness for this great recommendation I’d like to now share with you.

I’ve had a lot of luck posting on the discussion specifically dedicated to free copies of the audiobook in exhange for a review. Make sure you respect your potential future reviewers by posting an honest description of your book so they know what to expect. Include a link to your Amazon and Goodreads page. Let them know how the current rating. If people are interested then they’ll request a copy. You should have received 25 free promo codes that you can distribute specifically for this purpose. But remember just because you give a free copy of your audiobook doesn’t mean the reviewers are obligated to giving you a favorable review! It is still up to you to deliver a solid, well written, fun to read book!

Finally, thank you so much to the following reviewers!
Hello Beautiful Book Blog – Beth Hudspeth
Dab of Darkness – Susan Voss
Larc-SciFi – Shane Thomas

More to come!!!

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